RusRoute firewall 3.0.1Download RusRoute firewall 3.0.1: 64 bits (EXE, 0 Bytes), 419 downloads; 32 bits (EXE, 0 Bytes), 413 downloads
New in version:
+ Separated synchronization of work with IP fragments with a separate fast mutex. This led to an increase in the speed of packet processing, which affected the increase in the VPN speed in the local network by 25% or more (slightly more than 200 Mbps between two Windows 10 x64 with I7-7700K in a gigabit LAN).
+ Separated synchronization of work with ARP and ND requests with separate fast mutexes. This did not noticeably affect the speed of work, since in a small local network such traffic is not significant.
+ Separated synchronization of work with socket timers and time for timers. This did not noticeably affect the transfer speed of normal traffic, but in a 10 Gbps network, the speed of receiving via FTP became higher, about 7-7.5 Gbps (previously the speed was up to 4.5 Gbps).
+ Removed a lot of unused code for handling exceptions by using appropriate C++ class, function and method specifiers. The size of the main executable files will be reduced by more than 100 KB each. This did not affect the speed of the program.
+ Other small changes in the used library ToolsLib and in the firewall.
- Correction of minor errors.
+ Minor interface improvements in the filter data window.
+ Tested the program with more than 800 active HTTP connections.