RusRoute firewall 2.9.6Download RusRoute firewall 2.9.6: 64 bits (EXE, 0 Bytes), 92 downloads; 32 bits (EXE, 0 Bytes), 77 downloads
New in version:
+ Improved handling of constant string literals in the library string class. Now handling constant string literals (constructors, operator=, etc.) does not generate exceptions, does not allocate memory for string data, and does not call the strlen() function to calculate the string length. This optimization is global for all particular cases of using string class objects. But, since a lot of work has already been done to allocate the main constant strings used into pre-created string objects, there is no noticeable increase in speed, although the size of executable files has increased by several tens of kilobytes.
Anti SYN flood protecion eng+ Changed and improved the operation of Anti SYN flood protection, which was previously tested on attacks from single addresses. Before Christmas, my home PC was repeatedly subjected to small DDoS SYN flood attacks from 4 class C subnets, which allowed me to refine and test the protection. After that, I made a couple more improvements, but it has not yet been possible to test it in real conditions. Perhaps there will be more improvements in the protection. Also added monitoring of Anti SYN flood protection parameters directly in the Firewall Settings window, next to the corresponding parameters.
+ For the convenience of adding address subnets to the blacklist during DDoS attacks (for example, during SYN flood attacks, see above), the ability to copy the IPv4/IPv6 address and the most popular types of subnets that include this address to the clipboard has been added to the connections filter windows.
+ Minor private improvements to the program code.